Thursday, January 10, 2008

What would I say to our next president?

What i would ask is what will he or she do about immigration? The reason i will ask them about immigration is because will immigrants still be afraid to come out of their homes or go anywhere? Will all immigrants be able to stay in America? I would want to know if they or going to fix the idea of immigration or will they continue to be injustice to all the immigrants. If they would still continue to follow the steps of George Bush. I would ask them to change the law of immigration because there are a lot of immigrants that work so hard to make a living and they know that they are illegal, and that one day just deport them back to Mexico or whatever country they came from. Immigrants make up America without them there will be no America. I would be disappointed that if the new president doesn't clean up some of the immigration law and just continues the work of the present president.

I would also ask him/her what are they going to do about the war in Iraq. I think i should ask them about the war because there are a lot of young lives being lost. There are a lot of families grieving on the lost of a family member or Friend. I would ask him/her that if they plan to end the war with Iraq soon or will there still be another couple years of war?Would there be peace with other countries? I want this war to end not just me but many other people. There is a saying that we read out of a book and it goes like this "Old people declare war but it is the young that must fight it. There are soldiers who would fight long and hard for just a piece of colored ribbon." i don't remember who said that but i don't think this saying is right, because it is true but there are soldiers who die trying to earn a ribbon or medal just for fighting. The first part of it is also true because you never see the president fight in the war you see all the young people.