Monday, October 22, 2007

What type of technology you can`t live without?

One type of technology i can`t live without is a cell phone and an a computer. The reason i can`t live without a cell phone is because in case of an emergency like if you were to go hiking and you get stuck or get lost you use your cell phone and call the rangers and they will tell you were you need to go. Another reason you need well i need a cell phone is because a family member of mine gets hurt and i wanna tell the rest of my family members all i need to do is use a cell phone . You can use a cell phone to call an ambulance too.I can`t live without a cell phone because i talk alot so i need to talk to all my friends and family members to share my feelings and thoughts. I can`t live with out a computer because when i can`t use my cell phone to talk , i use my Internet and e-mail them. I can use a computer to find certain dates and events, do my homework and even entertain myself.That is why i can`t live without a cell phone and a computer