Friday, March 7, 2008

What project or event have i participated with the IMPACT program?

The projects i have participated is the mural. Those are the only ones i have participated with. I participated after school to help out. An event that me and my family have been to are the two family nights that the IMPACT hosted. I have been to the car wash that the IMPACT did.These are the only events and projects that i have participated.I still plan to participate in more projects and events.
Do i think that the IMPACT program is making a difference in the school, the community, and to the Borman students? Well, i do think we are. I think that because our community see the difference we do, like with the graffiti busting. We also put the example of helping not destroying our community to other schools and to our Borman students. When we paint the murals we change our school, we change the way it looks. The murals in our school help other students feel more at home then just a plain school.That's how i think our school is changing our community.