Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How are you feeling about the idea of our film/play? What are some difficulties or challenges we might face?

The idea of the play/film is very exciting!!!!The only problem i have is that i can get stage fright but i don't think i will. I also think we can do this play/film. Well, obviously we will have some problems but we can actually get through them. I know that we will be able to represent Borman very well and make you and everyone else proud.The challenges we might meet is that people will try to put us down. Getting the supplies needed for the play/film. Making sure everyone will do and say exactly like rehearsed. Some people will take the whole play/film to heart in a good way or in a bad way.I know we will do a very good job, that's why we're in the honors team.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Who does America belong to?

America but it's not true. Even in the I don't think that America belongs to anyone because everyone lives here and America is made out of immigrants. Some people say that America belongs to all Americans, but it's not true because the only one who can say that they aren't immigrants are all Native Americans.Some people say that the president owns Declaration Of Independence doesn't say who owns America. My answer to the question is that America belongs to everyone because everyone lives here. Everyone will

Monday, December 10, 2007

The ASU Field Trip

What i learned from the field trip is that if you need to go to your classes you always need a map to find where you are going. The reason you need a map is that when we wanted to go to some part of ASU we always ended up lost. We would run around like crazy people looking for directions. Collage is very important to someone's education because when you want a certain job you the first they ask you is did you graduate form collage? Well of course if you say no they'll be like i don't think we should hire this guy , i don't think he has experiment. If you go to every single job interview and say that you didn't graduate from collage and your competing for the job post and the guy has graduated from collage of course he's gonna pick the other guy.
What i will do to get into collage is study really hard get good grades. I also think that if i have a good school record they might also give me a chance to get into collage.When i'm in high school i will try really hard to get a scholarship to get into collage. I really don't know the necessary steps to get into collage but i know that once i get into high school i need to look for a job that seems to interest me. I sort of know that i have to have perfect attendance because the teachers would probably say why are we wasting our time for people that don't even show up. I really am going to work so hard and learn so much so that i can get into collage.collage.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

How do people change when they move to America?

People change by attitude. If let's say a Chinese person came to America and back in China and they were trouble makers and once they enter to the U.S they are a lot calmer and working then they maybe be wanting a better life.Most people live a calmer life then in their country because most people change their whole life because they don`t want to b kicked out of the U.S. Most people take advantage of the opportunity they have in being in the U.S. Some people come in illegally because they think that it's cool. Some people come to the U.S to make money and then send money to their families in a different country.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crossing The Border

Those who cross
can not cross
they come with a dream
the dream will be broken

Those who are in charge
do not realize that they
can kill so much
they destroy everyone
their loved ones, friends
and family

They come with the hope
of living a new life
but never realize the
of death

The cause of one life can
be the cause of many
you never realize that until
you sleep with the fact that
you killed someone and
their most precious dream

So please don`t destroy
their most precious
dreams and people
and before you kill or
deny anybodies dream
think about who you will

Monday, December 3, 2007

My diary

Dear diary,
Today i was looking for a job today. It didn't go very well everyone rejected me because i was an immigrant. As i passed through an alley i was laughed at by people i don't know. It was very humiliating. I sometime wish i was back home in my little pueblo. So far life here in the U.S is really hard i don`t understand their language. I only have one friend here her name is Selena, she was so kind for letting me stayed with her and her family. I really hope i did the right choice in coming here.

Do you think immigrants are mistreated?Why or why not?

The reason i think that immigrants are mistreated find out that a friend is an immigrant they think that are illegal.Even though some immigrants hate being mistreated they won't leave America.The reason they won't leave America is because they want a better life.If any immigrant is being mistreated they can put their complain in the Department Of Discrimination or some other department that deals with that kind of stuff. If anybody mistreats an immigrant that person can get sewed. I really don`t see the reason to discriminate or mistreat anybody.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What would America be like if immigrants had never come?

My personal response to the question would be that if America didn't have immigrants well i don't think America would be a very good place to migrate to. America's population belongs to immigrants. Everywhere you go you see immigrants working and trying to live a job but you don`t see many Americans working in the sun, doing crop work or any type of hard labor. When Christopher Columbus came to the Americas he was an immigrant so were all the pilgrims. The only people that aren`t immigrants and know what hard labor is are the Native Americans. So without immigrants America wouldn`t be were it is.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who should be allowed to move to America?

The people that should be allowed to live here is the people that are coming here to America for a good cause. Like for Mexicans, African Americans and anyone who really are desperate. One main reason people should be coming to America because of food , government, sickness, and money problems or something similar to that. Some of the people that come here for bad reasons like bombings, terrorism , drugs or anything illegal or dangerous I would recommend you coming to America because there are a lot of good people and they are just trying to live a good life .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Why do people move to America?

People move to America because like in Africa the people that live there suffer so much because of the enviorment there so most people immigrate from Africa to America or like the Mexicans they come to America to start a better life. People immigrate form many different countries because i guess everyone wants a better life and well, America is the only country that can give you that opportunity and that is why i think that many people immigrate from different places and come to America. I think another reason people come to America is because maybe some countries don`t have fair rules and maybe some people come over to America.Some countries don`t have enough food or homes and so many people come to America.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What factories connect to us in the daily life

People think that factories have nothing to do with us because some think that when you or someone else talk about factories or progressives they say something like " Ooh i already learned about them! There aren`t any progressives anymore!"
t`s not true Well let me tell you that it is not true there are still some progressives trying to make the world a better place they aren`t mentioned very much. When someone says factories they say " ooh they use to do child labor and they should be shut down!" But because not all factories do child labor.Some of those factories that don`t do child labor have a very strong way and very good way to help and pay their workers.

What factories connect to us in the daily life

Friday, November 16, 2007

1. Men are naturally stronger than women.
2. A woman can do any job that a man can do.
3. Men are smarter than women.
4. A woman should be able to keep her last name when she gets married.
5. Women should stay at home with the kids while men work.
6. I would vote for a woman president.
7. It’s okay for a man to cheat on his wife (or girlfriend) but not okay for his wife to cheat on him.
8. Women should be allowed to be priests.
9. Women are more emotional and sensitive than men.
10. Violent men cause most of the world’s problems.

1. It is not true because there are some women stronger than man and some man fear women that is why i disagree with this statement
2.Yes. i agree with the second statement because if a women wants to be a wrestler or boxer or construction worker than they can do what they want because it is the law
3.No i disagree with the third statement because some women are smarter then men and there are some men that need to be taught by a woman to be smart.
4.Yes. Because she can add her husbands last name at the end of hers now she gets to have both her last name and not just her husbands.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How can business make a difference in the community?

think that if a community has a lot of money then if a disaster like the Tsunami and Katrina then it means that the community can help make a difference. I think the opposite too that if a community has very little money made in businesses then the government might feel they have to give them money and the people`s families will have to pay the money that was given to the government. I also think that if a Business can make a difference because i think that a lot of businesses and customers means that the community is doing a good job in money making. I alsocommunity has low or high business profits then the more likely that the popularity of that community will grow or increase. If the owners of the businesses don`t make enough money then they won`t have enough money to support them. That`s why businesses are very important in our community.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Considering the age of industrialization.

How would a factory, worker,a factory owner, an inventor, a women`s rights activist and a conservationist differ in their idea of how to make a difference? The differ is that each one of them are trying to change the world, and the way people think about a subject. Everyone of them can make or help pass a law. Each one of the careers and jobs i just typed are not just working in these jobs for money but they chose to try and change the world because they actually want to help their, our community not just to get paid. They will do anything even if they have to make enemies . That`s my awnser. Thank You.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

If i lived lived during the era of industrialization?

they like it or not, and if they are to busy i will make them If i lived during the era of industrialization some of thew ways i would try to help America, would be burn down factories. Another choices would be going on strike , or start a petition or complain to the factory owner. If complaining to the factory owners doest`t work and they don`t want to hear me i`ll make them hear unbusy . What laws could i try to pass? One of the laws would be No Child Labor . My second law would be All workers must be paid a fair and reasonable wage. My third law would be No Cruelty with workers and no racism, sexism , or any discrimination.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Do you think the world is getting better? Do you think it`s possible to make the world a better place?

Do you think the world is getting better? My answer to that is no. The reason i say that the world is not getting better is because of Global warming . Global warming is a problem not a new idea to let us live our life even better. Global warming is killing our people, animals and destroying our enviorment. Do i think that it`s possible that people can make the world a better place? The answer is yes if we just stop polluting and stop using a lot of the cars gas yes it is possible.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

An issue that is important in our society.

An issue that we have in our society is the new train way the government has asked to build. I know that when my dad drives around downtown with me in the back seat and playing my video games or listening to my MP3 all of a sudden i fly up (not really the seat belt held me down) and bang my head on the side window. While i am massaging my poor head i look out the window and i see cracks and drills, workers, post signs. The one question that first pops into my head is " Is the train transportation a very good idea?" I asked my dad about question hoping to get a very goo awnser and says " Really i don`t think so I think it`s a very bad idea because you see all those businesses by the construction? They are losing alot of customers and i usally wonder how their customers are going to get in to the parking lot and give them business?" Up to now i have really thought about it good.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Who is responsible for child labor?

Dear to whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to inform you that child labor is wrong. Instead of putting children to work in a dangerous factory doing very dangerous tasks , like for example something that would kill them or hurt them.If they are not doing something dangerous they should be payed the right amount of money. Not something like a dollar a day at least something considerate amount of money . If you take advantage of them because of their age , well i would like to tell you or more like ask you is that the right thing to do? Please think about my question.

Denise Vasquez

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Case #1 workers rights

Joe Schmoe worked at a grocery store, where he was told to always use gloves when pulling out the dry ice out . One day his boss told him to pull out dry ice from the container and the gloves weren`t there and burned his hands. Do you think that the boss violated a workers right? In my opinion yes the boss did violated the workers right because on one of the workers right i says that every worker has to have the proper equipment or the job has to provide them. Since the boss did not make sure there were gloves he did not make sure the equipment was in placed. I think that Joe`s boss violated a workers right. I don`t think that the boss has to pay for Joe`s medical bills because Joe should`ve asked for a spair but he didn`t or would have informed his boss that the gloves were not there, and that was Joe`s mistake and own fault because he shouldn`t have sticked his hand in the container. Joe also knew that he can`t stick his hand in the container so he shouldn`t have done it so it was Joe`s fault.

Friday, October 26, 2007

What are the pro`s and con`s of a current technology?

the T.V
The pro`s and con`s of a T.V, well, i will tell the pro`s of t.v. first and then i will type up the con`s later. The pro`s about T.V is that when there is an accident the broadcasters will interrupt a program so it can inform you about the accident. When there is a fire or bank robbery or anything that may worry you or concern it will be broad casted on to the T.V so that you know about that. The T.V will always give ideas like for a party or any celebration.
The con`s of a T.V is that when a couple weeks ago there was a broadcast and the broadcast scarred a lot of people because the broadcast was about terrorist and where saying scary stuff and when the government tried to stop the broadcast they could not stop it. Another con about T.V is that when you or your child are changing the channels and suddenly some pg-13 or rated R movies or programs come on you can`t stop them form being played and maybe bad education for them and you will always be concerned about your child`s safety.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is it fair that a professional baseball player can make millions of dollars a year wile a teacher only makes $30,000 ?

I don`t think that it is fair that a professional baseball player makes more than a teacher because what is a baseball player to help educate people. We all know that baseball players were teached by a teacher and we know that baseball players know teachers don`t make a lot of money and well you don`t see a lot of baseball players ...... well i don`t ..... thank a teacher fo once or be kind enough to donate a little bit of money to a school. Well i would like to ask you a question waht is more important in this world watching a couple of guys run around and get dirty or get taught a little more? Well most of you would say learn a little more and those who said you rather watch guys et dirty and hit ball well i respect your decission. BUT do you actually think it`s fair that a teacher would have to deal with 31 - 40 kids a day and go though all the stress and only get paid $30,000 a year? While a professional baseball player go`s out hit a couple of ball and get dirty gain about milliones a dollar just to get dirty?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Technology that came out in our life time

  1. i-pod
  2. lap tops
  3. chocolate cellphone
  4. mp3 players
  5. PS3
  6. flat screen T.V`s
  7. Wii
  8. i-phones
  9. Xbox 360
  10. Nintendo DS
  11. PS2
  12. Flat screen computer
  13. water proof watches
  14. glow in the dark watches

What type of technology you can`t live without?

One type of technology i can`t live without is a cell phone and an a computer. The reason i can`t live without a cell phone is because in case of an emergency like if you were to go hiking and you get stuck or get lost you use your cell phone and call the rangers and they will tell you were you need to go. Another reason you need well i need a cell phone is because a family member of mine gets hurt and i wanna tell the rest of my family members all i need to do is use a cell phone . You can use a cell phone to call an ambulance too.I can`t live without a cell phone because i talk alot so i need to talk to all my friends and family members to share my feelings and thoughts. I can`t live with out a computer because when i can`t use my cell phone to talk , i use my Internet and e-mail them. I can use a computer to find certain dates and events, do my homework and even entertain myself.That is why i can`t live without a cell phone and a computer

Friday, September 28, 2007

What Is "The Social Voice"?

What is the social voice? Really i don`t know the answer to that but i will try to give you my point of view of that phrase. A social voice to me is a voice you hear about history. You listen to that voice and learn about the past. Without history or social studies you can`t know what actually happened in the past. It also means to me that a social voice is a voice outside in the community, a story or the truth behind the story told by a civilian not just a wannabe hero but someone who actually went through all the history and willing to tell you what he or she went through how they felt and how the scene looked liked, not an image that is fake told by someone who was told that but the really truth about the story.