Friday, October 26, 2007

What are the pro`s and con`s of a current technology?

the T.V
The pro`s and con`s of a T.V, well, i will tell the pro`s of t.v. first and then i will type up the con`s later. The pro`s about T.V is that when there is an accident the broadcasters will interrupt a program so it can inform you about the accident. When there is a fire or bank robbery or anything that may worry you or concern it will be broad casted on to the T.V so that you know about that. The T.V will always give ideas like for a party or any celebration.
The con`s of a T.V is that when a couple weeks ago there was a broadcast and the broadcast scarred a lot of people because the broadcast was about terrorist and where saying scary stuff and when the government tried to stop the broadcast they could not stop it. Another con about T.V is that when you or your child are changing the channels and suddenly some pg-13 or rated R movies or programs come on you can`t stop them form being played and maybe bad education for them and you will always be concerned about your child`s safety.