Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Case #1 workers rights

Joe Schmoe worked at a grocery store, where he was told to always use gloves when pulling out the dry ice out . One day his boss told him to pull out dry ice from the container and the gloves weren`t there and burned his hands. Do you think that the boss violated a workers right? In my opinion yes the boss did violated the workers right because on one of the workers right i says that every worker has to have the proper equipment or the job has to provide them. Since the boss did not make sure there were gloves he did not make sure the equipment was in placed. I think that Joe`s boss violated a workers right. I don`t think that the boss has to pay for Joe`s medical bills because Joe should`ve asked for a spair but he didn`t or would have informed his boss that the gloves were not there, and that was Joe`s mistake and own fault because he shouldn`t have sticked his hand in the container. Joe also knew that he can`t stick his hand in the container so he shouldn`t have done it so it was Joe`s fault.