Friday, January 11, 2008

Paragrah#1 Where does racism come from? Paragraph #2 How can people stop racism from spreading?

I think racism comes from one another its like fire spreading from person to person until it's in everyone. Racism starts with confusion and then it starts invading what you think about that race until you finally start hating them. When people get the wrong idea from one person from a different idea of someone and their from a different race then they start getting all races. Racism starts from rumors on what they start from other races and then some people hear them then they start getting the wrong idea and then they start feeling insecure about that race and they start hating them. Racism starts like if you don't know a person that is from a different race your afraid to ask and if that person is a trouble maker of course your gonna think that all people of that race act like that.
I don't think it's possible fro racism to stop because you can't control what people think about each race. There will always be races people but no one can do anything about it. Racism is a part of life. If racism is done then people would have to understand each other. I don't even think someone can achieve racism peace. But if there is someone who is willing to do something about racism i would be willing to help. There will always be someone that will oppose you on your ideas so it will be hard to stop racism to stop.I would try and make people from other races get together and talk about each of everyone's races and then everyone could talk about what they think about some races and is they dislike someone then we would try to convince that not all people from that race are like that.